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Cooperation partners


Thousands of high school graduates from all over Finland. AGT, which has become a phenomenon, is something every student should experience. Nowhere else in the world do students travel to another country to party! We involve students annually in the planning of the trip and actively collect feedback to get better year after year. If you have suggestions, please send us a message.

FSS is cooperating with AGT through marketing and a competition where FSS members can win a luxury suite!

Be The Change!

This is Springan idea competition for young people aged 15-19

The world is constantly changing, but fortunately it can also change for the better.
Spring gives you the opportunity to influence issues that are important to you.

Young people can participate in Spring in teams of 3-5 people. Submit your idea that aims to solve a major international problem, answer a local question or create completely new opportunities. The winners of the idea competition will be rewarded with a summer job and a study trip in Europe, during which you can develop your idea into something concrete.

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